Use Cases



The increasing number of connected devices is driving attacks

The problem of protecting paid features in cars is becoming increasingly pressing as manufacturers seek new ways to monetise their products. Attackers may attempt to gain access to a car’s internal network through various means, such as exploiting vulnerabilities in the software or using physical devices to bypass security measures. Once access is gained, attackers can then reverse engineer the software to uncover the underlying technology and use it to circumvent the paid features for their own benefit or distribution to others. This not only results in financial losses for the manufacturer, but also undermines their competitive advantage. Additionally, attackers may try to steal sensitive information such as sensor data, mapping data, or even control algorithms that can be used to replicate or disrupt the autonomous driving capabilities. Furthermore, these types of attacks can also put the passengers and other road users at risk by compromising the safety and integrity of the vehicle.

Protecting critical systems in cars with Emproof Nyx

As the automotive industry is moving towards autonomous driving, the number of embedded systems in vehicles is rapidly increasing. Today cars feature several assistive systems, such as cruise control or lane assist, which are supposed to provide safer and more comfortable driving. However, with this increased number of devices and stronger connectivity required, there are new risks and attack routes that need to be considered. One critical area of concern is vehicles’ electronic control units (ECUs). ECUs control and monitor a range of critical functions, including braking, steering, and engine control. If an attacker gains control of an ECU, this could have severe consequences for drivers.

Why IP protection is crucial for the automotive Industry

As the automotive industry moves towards autonomous driving, the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, is becoming increasingly common. With this growth comes the need to protect valuable intellectual property (IP) from being stolen or misused by competitors. Car manufacturers invest significant amounts of money and time in developing IP, especially in the context of autonomous systems. These systems rely on various technologies, including software, algorithms, and hardware, which are developed and refined through extensive research and development. Protecting this IP is critical to the success of the automotive industry, as it allows manufacturers to maintain a competitive edge and continue to innovate.

Extended Lifetime Support with Emproof Nyx for Automotive Components

In today’s automotive industry, addressing high-critical security problems in outdated and non- maintained software components has become a significant challenge, particularly in high-computing electronic control units (ECUs) like infotainment systems. These complex systems, featuring embedded Linux with connectivity options such as wireless, Bluetooth, and LTE modems, take years to develop, and the software environment is often outdated by the time the product reaches production.



Pacemakers: protecting IP and patients. A Look at Reverse Engineering and Exploits

In the modern world, medical devices such as pacemakers have become essential for many individuals to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. These devices are implanted in the body and work to regulate the heart’s rhythm, providing a steady flow of electrical pulses to keep it beating at a steady pace. However, as with any technology, these devices are not immune to hacking. In fact, the potential for hacking a pacemaker has become a growing concern in the medical community. Hacking a pacemaker can have dire consequences, including the alteration of the device’s settings and even causing the device to stop working altogether. It is essential that manufacturers take the necessary steps to ensure the security and integrity of these devices to protect the well-being of patients.

Industrial IoT

Smart meters, smart security?

Smart meters, as part of the Internet of Things (IoT), are facing a growing number of security threats. This could be in the form of customers submitting false readings in order to save on their electricity bills, causing potential financial losses for the utility company. Additionally, these devices are connected to the cloud, which means if one of them is compromised, it could have a ripple effect on the entire infrastructure of the company. One way these attacks could be carried out is through reverse engineering the firmware and finding an exploit, allowing the attacker to gain unauthorised access to the device or manipulate its readings.


Protecting the Bootloader: Imperative for Securing Embedded Systems

One key component of embedded systems that is often targeted by attackers is the bootloader, which is responsible for loading and executing the firmware and other software on the device. If an attacker can compromise the bootloader, they may be able to gain unauthorised access to the system, load malicious firmware, or disable additional security checks.

Protect and Secure your RISC-V Software

As a proud new member of the RISC-V community, Emproof brings a legacy of unparalleled security expertise tailored for the embedded environment. We can help product manufacturers utilising RISC-V ISAs to protect their software against IP theft and exploit mitigation.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Protecting Python code

In the face of modern technological vulnerabilities, protecting intellectual property, particularly when deploying Python code, has never been more vital. This code often represents invaluable business assets, including proprietary machine learning models, unique algorithms, or bespoke parsing protocols. Without proper safeguards, these assets are susceptible to risks such as reverse engineering, unauthorised code modifications, and bypassing of licensing checks, especially when Python code is deployed in its source code form – essentially as plain text.

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